Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Go Glow Powder Drink SuperFood

A convenient single serve pack of nutritious drink for young adults and adults. It comes in two refreshing flavors – Dalandan & Pomelo. Go Glow Powder Drink Superfood is a Zero Calorie, High in Fiber juice blend sweetened with natural Stevia. It is also ideal as alternative for carbonated drinks. The refreshing taste of Dalandan and Pomelo are boosted with natural herbal extracts such as Acai berry, Moringa, Turmeric, Mangosteen, Pomegranate, Okra, Pumpkin, Grape Seed, Carrot and Goji berry. All the ingredients are approved for use by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and manufactured in accordance with food safety principles (HACCP) and current Good Manufacturing Practices.

Go Glow Powder Drink SuperFood comes in two flavors.

Go Glow Pomelo Price PHP550 for discount visit our NUTRICIUM website

Go Glow Dalandan Price PHP550 for discount visit our NUTRICIUM website

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